Python to automate What's App messages
Python to automate What's App messages We can automate a Python script to send WhatsApp messages. In this article, we will learn the easiest ways using pywhatkit module that the website uses to automate the sending of messages to any WhatsApp number. Send WhatsApp Messages : We can automate WhatsApp to send messages by running a python script. Now let's setup pywhatkit module and write the code to send WhatsApp message automatically. Install pywhatkit module: To install the pywhatkit module, we can use the pip command: pip install pywhatkit This command will download the pywhatkit module. It will take some time as it will download some related modules too. LIKE BELOW SCRIPT WILL RUN AUTOMATICALLY:::: (venv) C:\Users\RCF\PycharmProjects\pywhatkitWhatsAppAutomate>pip install pywhatkit Collecting pywhatkit Downloading pywhatkit-3.9-py3-none-any.whl (9.1 kB) Collecting beautifulsoup4 Downloading beautifulsoup4...